Friday 7 June 2013

Sonnet on the Sonnets on the Sonnet, by Jonathan Robin

Some sonnets upon sonnets poets write
Offering examples of their skill,
Need neither censure nor false praise to fill
New chapter, verse, in ego's copyright.
Encapsulation through a structure tight
Turns a neat phrase avoiding overkill,
Or temperature tests, unbiased will
Nature, Man, describes in terms polite.
Sense and/or sensitivity, insight
Ordered, bordered, mission may fulfill,
New bark on old folds sundry thoughts that spill,
Netting beauty, spelling out delight.
Emotions through control find freedom which
Triumph over prose prosaic [p]itch.

This is an interesting sonnet, being about poets writing sonnets. The theme is that poets have a great skill that they use to improve their ego (New chapter, verse, in ego's copyright, Line 4). The rhyme scheme is ABBAABBAABBACC. In this poem there are internal rhymes (Ordered, bordered, Line 10, on old folds, Line 11) and alliteration (through control find freedom, Line 13, prose prosaic pitch, Line 14)

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