Wednesday 12 June 2013

Metaphors and Similes, by Joey Meffen

Poems are metaphors
for our inner thoughts.
Some minds are just oars,
while others are yachts.

But others like similes,
which are easier to be done.
Similes are like poems
in that I just wrote one.

These two quatrains are a little look into similes and metaphors. They use a rhyme scheme of ABAB CDCD.
This poem, obviously, uses similes and metaphors.

Stones, by Joey Meffen

I load stones down by the fair.
It pays well but I must be aware.
If I do not I will stare
into the cold heart of despair.

The rocks go quickly, one by one.
Before too long I've done a ton.
And by the time that I am done,
5 hours past till I have won.

I do not feel the days go past.
I load the stones until the last.
It feels like I go so very fast,
but it took me 5 years to build that rocky mass.

I cannot leave, for I am not done.
I cannot leave, for I have not won.
The rocks go past, one by one
until I have loaded over a ton.

   This free verse poem is about a man who loads rocks, and is amazed at how quickly the time goes by. He seems to want to leave, but he cannot until he has finished, and that time will likely never come. This poem has 4 quartets with a rhyme scheme of AAAABBBBCCCCBBBB. This poem has an example of assonance (I load stones, Stanza 1, Line 1).

Chairs, by Joey Meffen

Sitting on the ground,
bearing all of our burdens.
Silently, they weep.

   This haiku is about the plight of an average chair, having no purpose than to hold us up when we are tired. It has the standard build of a haiku, with three lines and a 5-7-5 syllable pattern. This poem has personification (chairs do not weep).

Monday 10 June 2013

Alliteration, by Joey Meffen

Five fickle fairies may flip for a fly,
and whale watchers may want for a why.
But big-boned bald beggars
checking cheaters in checkers
hate alliteration so now I must die.

This poem is about alliteration, and isn't one to be taken seriously. It is a mostly silly and nonsensical limerick. It has a typical limerick rhyme scheme of AABBA, but an incorrect number of syllables. This poem has alliteration, obviously, and imagery (big-boned bald beggars, Line 3).

Friday 7 June 2013

Flying Through The Air, by Joey Meffen

Flying through the air,
free as a bird.
No-one there to silence impair
with annoying sounds or an ill-placed word.
Flying through the air,
having so much fun.
No-one there to silence impair,
right now I'm the only one.
Flying through the air,
alarm lights flashing bright.
No-one there to silence impair,
fuel tanks damaged, I see the light.
Falling through the air,
no-one there to silence impair.

This poem is about someone flying in a plane alone and enjoying his solitude, until his plane is damaged and he starts falling out of the sky. It is an English sonnet, and has the proper ABABCDCDEFEFGG rhyme scheme to match. This poem has symbolism (the plane is a symbol representing the person's
 life, alone with no-one to save it when it gets in trouble), an allusion (I see the light, Line 12) and a simile (free as a bird, Line 2).

Sonnet on the Sonnets on the Sonnet, by Jonathan Robin

Some sonnets upon sonnets poets write
Offering examples of their skill,
Need neither censure nor false praise to fill
New chapter, verse, in ego's copyright.
Encapsulation through a structure tight
Turns a neat phrase avoiding overkill,
Or temperature tests, unbiased will
Nature, Man, describes in terms polite.
Sense and/or sensitivity, insight
Ordered, bordered, mission may fulfill,
New bark on old folds sundry thoughts that spill,
Netting beauty, spelling out delight.
Emotions through control find freedom which
Triumph over prose prosaic [p]itch.

This is an interesting sonnet, being about poets writing sonnets. The theme is that poets have a great skill that they use to improve their ego (New chapter, verse, in ego's copyright, Line 4). The rhyme scheme is ABBAABBAABBACC. In this poem there are internal rhymes (Ordered, bordered, Line 10, on old folds, Line 11) and alliteration (through control find freedom, Line 13, prose prosaic pitch, Line 14)

Limitation, by Allen Steble

One day far away
When I am old and grey
When I am frail and sore
And my white beard touches the floor
I hope I still find time to play

This limerick is about how age should not be a determining factor in how much fun you have doing things. All you have to do is let yourself have fun. This poem has the typical limerick rhyme scheme of AABBA. This poem has a metaphor (old and grey, he isn't literally grey).